p: 7958879

Volunteer Projects in Fiji

Kennedy Centre, Nadi

We will be visiting the Kennedy Centre in late October to complete structural foundation repairs, plus upgrades to decking, doors and entryways around the site.

Looking for volunteer projects in Fiji?

Previous Volunteer Projects in Fiji

Sabeto Youth Camp

There are several project teams assisting the camp this year with its ongoing maintenance requirements. We have installed a new kitchen, re-roofed the staff house, replaced termite-affected timber windows with aluminium, electrical and plumbing upgrades and more!

Morrinsville Baptist May 2024
Rutland Street Church August 2024

Oasis Farm, Sabeto

We had a team of 4 kiwis and 4 locals help out with repairs to termite damage at Oasis Farm as well as a new footpath, gutters and more along the way!
April 2024

Ray & Laura Pittman, Sabeto

We came alongside the Pittman family - who have been serving as missionaries in Fiji for over 20 years- to put some finishing touches on their home, including a new kitchen for the upstairs apartment. We were even imprompu firefighters for a day when a fire got out of control next to Oasis Farm!

November 2023

Anand AOG, Nalovo

A team of 18 from the Young Adults Group at Lifezone Church in Tauranga came over to serve at Anand AOG. They had a big task of fixing the leaks in the pastor's residence by adding flashings, fascia boards and gutters all around the house as well as replacing the worst sheets of roofing. They also had to remove all the roofing sheets in order to install two new rows of purlins to provide appropriate fixings for the flashings, plus completing the strapping as they went along the roof. Fortunantely we had great weather for it and the project was completed!

October 2023

Seehusen family, Nadi

The Seehusen’s are an American family who have lived in Fiji since 2019. They work for Ambassadors for Christ at the College of Theology and Evangelism in Lautoka and also do pastoral training in the outer islands with a heart for evangelism and discipleship. They are building a home and training centre for their young family in Sonaisali.
Our team was able to build the roof trusses for the main house and do the foundations for their guest house.
August 2023

Meliki and Ola Talolo

Meliki pastors a church, works full-time as the farm manager at Oasis Farm and has a busy family life with two young children. 
We were able to encourage Meliki and Ola by helping with everything from plumbing to roofing, flooring, framing, decking and tiling.
June 2023 Picton Baptist and September 2023
Te Awamutu Bible Chapel and many others along the way.

Homes of Hope, Suva

Homes of Hope is an organisation that provides long-term care, support, and holistic restoration for girls, young women and children who are victims of or vulnerable to forced sex. It is set on a large property in Suva and there are numerous buildings on site and most are in need of repairs and maintenance in some way.
We did the majority of a renovation to three bathrooms and completed another unit which was previously unfinished.
June 2023 Picton Baptist,
July 2023 Northgate Community Church and September 2023 
Te Awamutu Bible Chapel.

YWAM - Yachts for Life

Yachts for Life are involved in bible distribution, running bible schools and teaching life skills seminars on remote island village communites, using yachts to get there. We made repairs to the floors and cabinetry aboard the 'Seahawk'.
April 2023

Anand AOG, Nalovo

We assisted at Anand AOG by installing roughly 80 metres of new metal gutters to their church complex, as well as new downpipes. There were also new flashings installed to several areas of their roof to help keep the main access paths dry.
December 2022 and February 2023

Nacekoro Village Guest House

This building in Savusavu had half of the roof taken off in Cyclone Yasa, December 2020. Due to Covid-related travel difficulties the building remained this way until we were able to get up there and restore the roof. 
October 2022

Sabeto Christian Camp

We replaced the dining room roof and a dorm roof, installed gutters, made structural repairs to other buildings, remodelled the kitchen and dug a 33m trench to shift the mains supply underground.
September 2022

Island Encounters, Sabeto

Island Encounters teach overseas and local students with a vision for "equipping students and the poor for greater life encounters". We made structural improvements and addressed weathertight issues by installing flashings to their main facility.
August 2022

Homes of Hope - Suva

We worked in a staff home building a new kitchen, new front doors, new drainage and demolishing a leaking shower, ready to be rebuilt later this year.
February 2023

A team from Northgate Community Church built a shed to enhance the farm subsistence programme for Homes of Hope, where they train young women with improved farming methods.
July 2019

Ray and Laura Pittman - Sabeto

Over several trips MMM assisted in adding a second storey to an existing building, to be a home for the founding directors of Island Encounters.